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Keynotes Speeches and Invited Talks





  • (06) "Data and Realities" (Invited Talk), FAIR-well Symposium in honor of Barend Mons, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden, NL

  • (13) "A Meaningful Road to Explanation" (Keynote Speech) at the 23rd International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR 2024), Prague, Czech Republic




  • (14-18) "Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling" (Guest Professor Course) at TU Wien, Vienna, Austria

  • ​(16) "Semantic Models for Trustworthy Systems", (Invited Talk) in Currend Trends in Computer Science Lecture Series, TU Wien, Austria.

  • (26) "FAIR, Ontology, and Semantic Interoperability", (Invited Talk) at University of Torino, Italy.

  • (28) "Ethicality Requirements and Autonomous Systems" (Keynote Speech) at i*Star@ER 2024, Pittsburgh, USA

  • (28) "Opportunities and Challenges for Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering in the era of Learning-based AI" (invited panelist) together with Eric Yu (University of Toronto, Canada) and Travis Breaux (Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA) at i*Star@ER 2024, Pittsburgh, USA

  • (29) "Conceptual Modeling and Large Language Models" (Invited Panelist) together with Jeffrey Parsons (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada), Wolfgang Maass (University of Saarland, Germany), Maribel Santos (University of Minho, Portugal), Jolita Ralyte (University of Geneva, Switzerland) and Steve Liddle (Birgham Young University, USA),  at 43rd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2024), Pittsburgh, USA

  • (31) "Semantic Models for Trustworthy Systems: An Intelligence Augmentation Program" (Invited Talk) at Bosch-Carnegie Mellon AI Center, Pittsburgh, USA




  • (14) "The Mathematics of Digital Twins", (Invited Panelist) together with Michael Grieves (University of Central Florida, USA), Michael Batty (UCL, University College London, UK), Erik Schulze (GO FAIR Foundation, The Netherlands), Spase Petkoski (Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, Aix-Marseille University, France), Ioannis Pavlidis (University of Houston, USA) and as discussants to the keynote speech of Dongbin Xiu (The Ohio State University, USA), Precision Convergence Webinar, McGill University, Canada.

  • (25) "Semantic interoperability, ontologies and Ontology", (Invited Talk) at Business Information Technology Program, Faculty of Behavioral, Management and Social Sciences, University of Twente, The Netherlands.

  • (26) "Value, Risk and Resilence from an Ontological Point of View", (Invited Talk) at Workshop on Formal Methods and Risk, University of Twente, The Netherlands.




  • (04) "Explanation and Interoperability" (Keynote) at the Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, Vitoria, Brazil.

  • (05) "Explanation, Semantics, and Ontology", (Invited Talk) at Seminar on Epistemology and Ethics of AI, Philosophy of Technology Department, University of Twente, The Netherlands.

  • (06) "Types and Taxonomic Structures", (Invited Talk) at the Ontology and Conceptual Modeling Research Group (NEMO), Federal University of Espírito Santo, Vitória, Brazil.

  • (09) "FAIR, Semantics and Interoperability" (Invited opening Talk) at the GOFAIR Brazil Seminar. Online event streamed here.

  • (10-13) "Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modeling", (Invited Graduate Course) at Brazilian Military Engineering Institute (IME), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • (11) "Pensando Rápido e Devagar na Construção de Sistemas Computacionais Éticos", (Invited Talk) at Pontifical Catholic University (PUC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • (12) "Semantic Models for Trustworthy Systems: A Hybrid Intelligence Augmentation Program", (Invited Talk) at Informatics Department, Pontifical Catholic University (PUC), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

  • (13) "Explicação, Interoperabilidade e Ontologia", (Invited Talk) at Brazilian Institute of Science and Technology Information (IBICT), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.



  • (08) "Explanation, Semantics, Ontology and Trustworthiness", (Keynote Speech) at the Precision Convergence Webinar, McGill University, Canada, and Pitsburgh Supercomputing Center/Carnegie Mellon University, USA.

  • (29) "Explanation, Semantics, and Ontology", Invited Talk at Ontology Summit 2025 on "Conceptualization, Analysis and Formalization - The Two Sides of Ontology: Relating ontologies to the world and to theories about the world".



  • (18) "Explanation, Semantics, and Ontology",(invited talk) at Centre for Digital Business Research, Westminster Business School, UK.

  • (19) "Explanation, Semantics, and Ontology", (invited talk) at Kellogg College, University of Oxford, UK.

  • (20) "Semantic Models for Trustworthy Systems: A Hybrid Intelligence Augmentation Program", (Invited Talk) at Computer Science Department, University of Oxford, UK.





  • (20-21) "The Unified Foundational Ontology", (Invited Course) at the C-FORS Summer School on Foundational Ontology, University of Oslo, Norway.

  • (22-23) "A Meaningful Road to Explanation", (Keynote Speech) at the 19th Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2025), Seville, Spain.


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